Sourcing and curating young, inexperienced mounts and teaching them the tools to consistently compete at the top levels of the sport.

Stay up-to-date with M. Michael Meller


Taking young mounts to the top of the sport and teaching the next generation of talented riders


Teaching and promoting proper horsemanship and effective riding techniques


Precisely pairing mounts with patient and passionate riders who are able to give them the best experience

What’s new.

To the WINNER go the SPOILS

M. Michael Meller presents the prestigious Style of Riding Award, β€œDoc Spirit” Award in honor of Dr. John R. Steele, and the M. Michael Meller International Medal’s Style Award

β€œIt is all about your style. It is not something you take on and off. You live it everyday.”


M. Michael Meller
of QBS Equestrian and MMM Horseman

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